7 reasons every job seeker should blog
Whether you’re actively looking for a new career or just considering one, starting a blog is one of the best things you can do. The author explains why.

1. Show what you’re made of. In most interviews, you try to tell people that you’re knowledgeable about a given topic. In a blog, you can show them. To that end, blog about current events in your industry, your view on trends and developments and demonstrate your areas of expertise.
2. Build a professional network. There are numerous examples of people finding jobs through connections in a blog community. This month, I helped connect a young woman into the professional marketing scene in Chicago because I was impressed with her blog. Your blog community can certainly become a professional network.
3. Engage instead of advertise. Let’s face it. No matter how creative you get, a résumé is still an advertisement. I struggle to read carefully through a lengthy résumé. However, I will read interesting stories on a blog all day long. Compelling content is a way to engage prospective employers in a way that will hold their attention.
4. Stand out. In today’s world, blogging may be an expectation of many entry-level jobs. Demonstrating an ability to create content may just be the difference that gets you the job over a non-blogger.
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