41 alternatives to the word ‘cool’
If the word ‘cool’ is wearing out its welcome in your personal lexicon, try these synonyms.

This article originally appeared on PR Daily in March, 2015.
Now that I’ve started paying attention to it, it’s appalling how many times I use the word “cool.” I don’t use it in any formal, written communication, but I do most assuredly use it too often in conversation and and in text messages.
We’re all writers here, so let’s see if we can’t come up with a few alternatives to the word “cool.” (“Cool” as an adjective meaning good or excellent: “That Tesla is cool.”) Here are a few to get started, though not all of these will apply in every context.
1. Astonishing
2. Bewitching
3. Brilliant
4. Captivating
5. Charming
6. Copacetic
7. Delightful
8. Dashing
9. Divine
10. Distinctive
11. Dreamy
12. Dynamite
13. Elegant
14. Enchanting
15. Entrancing
16. Exceptional
17. Exemplary
18. Exquisite
19. Flawless
20. Graceful
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