Grad school for PR? 4 things to do first
A master’s degree should be more than an embellishment to your résumé. Make sure it enhances your knowledge and, ultimately, your career.

I’m constantly asked about going back to graduate school: “Is it worth it?” “Should I?” or, “What’d you get out of it?” (That’s my favorite question to answer in a casual conversation.)
If you really want to know everything I learned in graduate school, it’s mostly captured in my thesis.
After 100 pages of academic discussion on applying communication theory to online public relations, I’m left with one piece of paper and an ill-fitting gown, but grad school was worth it.
I learned a lot about my profession that I didn’t already know, and I helped the PR field by publishing scholarly research. I’m glad I went, but it’s not for everybody.
If you’re considering it yourself, I encourage you to run though this checklist before you enroll.
1. Go with purpose; do your research.
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