5 ways to boost traffic to your blog with Twitter
Hitting publish on a blog post or article doesn’t end there. You need to promote it. Here are specific examples of how to promote your stories on Twitter.
Contrary to custom, a blogger’s job doesn’t end once you click “publish.” In this Age of Big Data, where every blog, vlog, and broadcast lives and dies by metrics, your success depends on your page views.
When eyeballs count, Twitter is your best friend.
Twitter lets you repackage and repurpose your content. This is crucial: You can’t just tweet once. You must tweet and tweet again, baiting your tweet with various angles and hooks, casting it to various audiences.
Equally crucial: Instead of publishing your tweets all at once, you need to unloose them over the next few days. Since the first 24 hours are the most important, it’s best to frontload your tweets for the day of publication, then dribble the rest out over the next day or two.
In fact, this is exactly what I did for a blog post I wrote for Mashable last May (“How to Optimize Your Headlines for Google and Humans“). Here’s how you can do the same.
1. Tweet summaries, excerpts, and teasers
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