How to pitch bloggers via Pinterest
The latest social media darling isn’t one big time-suck if you know how to use it properly for work and business.

There are a number of steps you can take to interact with these bloggers on Pinterest and get them to notice you (or your client).
Follow them/follow their boards.
On Pinterest, users share images by “pinning” them to a “pinboard,” which is basically an online bulletin board with images and captions. In that way, a “repin”—in which a user shares another person’s picture—is akin to a “like” on Facebook or “retweet” on Twitter.
A number of bloggers will pin images from their own blogs as well as pictures from other people’s blogs. To see what sort of content they are pinning, follow all of their boards. When a person gets a new follower on Pinterest, they usually receive an email alerting them of it. This will get your name in front of them. But don’t just stop there, follow the pinners that they follow to learn what they’re sharing, too.
Repin their pins.
Popular bloggers may not notice your name in their email right away, but if you keep repinning their pins, your name will consistently show up in their Pinterest feed and email box. The goal is to get them to see who you are and that you’ve been taking a genuine interest in their content before you pitch them.
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